Homily on the Liturgy
Week 2: December 12, 2010
1. The Liturgy, the Mass, is the Source and the summit of all that we do in our Christian life, because it is in the Liturgy where we encounter God.
A. Mass is the most important thing we do as Christians. Gathering around the altar of God forms us as the people of God.
B. Last week I began a Homily series on the Mass. We continue to talk about the titurgy today.
2. John was a disciple of Jesus. In fact, he is called the beloved disciples. We can safely say that Jesus was his close friend.
A. Years after the resurrection and the ascension John encountered Jesus again.A He tells his story in the book of revelation.
B. Jesus appeared to John. He did not greet him with a handshake. He didn’t run up to his old friend with a hug or even a chuck on the shoulder. When John saw Jesus, it says: “When I caught sight of him, I fell at his feet as though dead.”
C. In the presence of Christ John fell on his face in worship.
D. Later John saw “A vision of a great multitude, which no one could count, from every nation, race, people and tongue. They stood before the throne”
E. They were singing: “Salvation comes from our God, who is seated on the Throne and from the lamb.
F. It says that they prostrated themselves before the throne and worshiped God. This means that they fell on their faces in worship.
3. Throughout the scriptures it shows people’s encounters with God: Abraham, Moses, Isaiah. Every time a person in scripture encounters God they fall on their face, or they fall on their knees. They cover their faces in awe and reverence.
A. They RECOGNIZE the Glory and power of God. The Lord of All Majesty.
B. In other words: God is important. Not just important but of Ultimate importance.
C. When we come for Mass, the first question we need to ask ourselves is: Who do we worship?
D. The answer is not just a glib and vague: God.
4. It is possible for someone to come into church.
A. Do a half genuflect, and then drop into the pew. They may pick up a hymnal and sing.
B. They may listen to the readings as if they were interesting tales. Seem to pay attention and then receive communion.
C. A person could do all those action and NOT once think of God. They could do that and not even recognize they are in the presence of the God of glory and Majesty.
D. I know this because I even have to watch myself of this, especially around the 4th Mass I do on any given weekend.
E. When you arrive in Church I would encourage the first thing you do is to fall on your knees and worship God. I know we don’t have kneelers, but we have carpet and it would not hurt people to kneel.
F. Recognize who God is and worship God. When we are in the presence of God we should respond in a way similar to those in scripture.
5. But who is the Christian God, who do we worship:
A. There ONE God, and this ONE God is a Trinity of Persons: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
B. Because God is Trinity, St. John was able to say: God is love. Within God there is the love between the Father and the Son, and that love is the Holy Spirit.
C. God is creator: God created the heavens and the earth. God created time and Space. When Moses asked for God’s name God responded: I am who am.
D. Basically, God said that he is the verb: TO BE. The is the very foundation of all that exists.
E. God is almighty. He is all powerful. Everything begins and ends in God.
6. Because of this God is the center of all of our prayers. We pray to God. We worship God. God is the center of our life.
A. Watch how your pray: Some times we begin the prayer with “Oh God”, but then the rest of the prayer is about ME. Do this for me, or do that for me. Then after a long litany of things we want we say ‘Amen’.
B. Yes, we are to pray for our daily bread. Yes we are to petition God for our needs in our life.
C. However, our worship should be directed more towards God more than ourselves. When we petition God we should always have in Mind: Thy will be done, not mine.
D. When we come to Mass our thought should not be: What will I get out of it? Rather it should be: I am here to worship God.
7. So the first important thing about the Mass: It is about worshiping GOD: The God of Glory and Majesty. The God of power and might. God, who is love.
8. Come, let us Worship!
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