Friday, March 19, 2010

Building our Church!


In 1913 Holy Cross Church burned to the ground.  Immediately the people of Kaukauna gathered together, and by Christmas of 1916 built a new Church.  Here is the first construction pictures as our new church was going up.  The scaffolding you see is in front the new sanctuary.  The people of that day were very poor.  They had nothing, but God was the center of their life, and they built our church.

This picture is our roof.  You can see that any building a structure.  I always find that it is fascinating to see the guts of a building.

Here we see that the church is almost finished.  None of the windows are in yet, and everything looks so NEW.   This was the beginning.  A couple of months after this picture began YEARS of worship

I began talking about building Holy Cross Church.   We have these great pictures of the building.  However, this is not really building Holy Cross Church.   Holy Cross Church are the people gathered around the altar of God in worship.  It is a community formed by faith into body of Christ.  Yes, the building is very important, however, it is the people on a pilgrimage to the new and eternal Jerusalem that make up the Church.    Let's build the Church.

1 comment:

  1. Fr. Tom,

    Do most Roman Catholic altars contain relics of martyred saints? Do we have a holy relic present in the alter of our parish?
